Construction Accidents

Hudson Valley Construction Accidents Lawyer Assists Injured Laborers

Accomplished firm serves clients in Dutchess, Ulster, Putnam and other counties 

Every construction job presents a risk to the men and women who are doing the work. Though the incidence and severity of injuries can be reduced by taking reasonable safety measures, there is no way to eliminate accidents completely. At Peter M. Cordovano, P.C., I am an attorney with four decades of experience securing the compensation that New York construction workers injured on the job are entitled to receive. After analyzing what happened in your case, I will vigorously pursue reimbursement for your medical expenses, lost income and other losses compensable under state law. Throughout Dutchess, Ulster, Columbia, Putnam and Columbia counties, my firm has earned a reputation for delivering the highest levels of representation and service. 

Attorney handles claims stemming from all types of construction accidents 

Many of the most serious construction accidents fall into one of these categories:

  • Equipment accidents — Negligent operation of heavy machinery or a design flaw in a power tool can cause a severe or fatal injury. 
  • Falls — If a construction worker falls from a high structure or slips on debris, they can suffer broken bones, torn ligaments and other harm. 
  • Scaffold accidents — Scaffolds are supposed to protect people who are working above the ground, but poor construction or a failure to follow safety protocols sometimes result in scaffold injuries.
  • Crane accidents — High winds, excessive loads and other factors can trigger crane accidents that threaten the lives of laborers and bystanders. 
  • Fires and electrocutions — Improperly grounded electric lines and carelessly handled flammable materials put construction workers at risk. 
  • Overexertion injuries — Heavy loads and pressure to get the job done on schedule can lead laborers to take on more than they can handle, particularly in hot weather. 
  • Object strikes — Tools and other falling items might cause a traumatic brain injury or other harm.

In any of these accidents, you could suffer an injury that requires intensive medical treatment and prevents you from returning to construction work for an extended period of time, or perhaps permanently. This is when you need exceptional legal representation to secure the benefits you need to compensate yourself and your loved ones. 

Legal responsibilities and liability issues associated with construction injuries

Construction companies, equipment manufacturers, contractors and site owners all have a role in maintaining a safe working environment. While many construction injury claims are handled through the workers’ compensation system, there are also instances where the negligence of a third party (not the claimant’s employer or co-worker) contributes to the accident. In these situations, the victim might also be able to collect damages in a personal injury lawsuit on top of the reimbursement for medical costs and partial wage replacement provided through workers’ comp. 

Safety measures that prevent accidents on job sites

Due to the fact that construction work is so dangerous, various laws and regulations are in place to prevent injuries. However, these measures are of little comfort to someone who has already been hurt if an employer or property owner is cited for a violation later on. Everyone with responsibility for a construction site should not only adhere to the applicable rules but also use proactive measures to promote a culture of safety at all times. New employees should be trained on ways to prevent accidents, and frequent inspections should be made so that problems can be fixed immediately. My firm thoroughly investigates the circumstances surrounding each claim in order to pinpoint potential areas of liability where someone did not fulfill their legal responsibility. 

Guiding injured construction workers through the legal process

Insurance companies sometimes put their own interests ahead of the claimant’s in a workers’ compensation or personal injury matter. It is critical to have an experienced attorney by your side to advise on disability issues and the compensation you should receive based on the facts in your case. Construction accident matters often involve multiple parties who have differing versions of events that led up to the injury. My firm will prepare the necessary documents and advocate effectively for your interests during negotiations and legal proceedings, no matter how complex the issues might seem.

Contact a New York attorney for a free consultation about a construction accident case

Peter M. Cordovano, P.C. in Highland advocates on behalf of construction workers throughout New York State who have been hurt on the job. If you’ve been injured in the course of a building or repair project, please call 845-640-3846 or contact me online to schedule a free consultation. 

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